If you're using food to cope with your emotions, and eating in a way that feels uncontrollable, out of balance and downright chaotic…

There's four key ingredients keeping you from achieving true, lasting food freedom. 

key ingredient
keeping you

...and they have nothing to do with the food you eat, diet you follow or willpower you have.

Dear chronic dieter,

You deserve more than your current relationship with food.

More than the never-ending cycle of restricting, binging and guilt-tripping. 

And more than the endless emotional roller coaster that comes with trying to manage your weight. 

Going out for meals with your loved ones should be relaxing, not a source of anxiety.

The reflection you see in the mirror should bring out a feeling of empowerment, not shame.

And you should be able to eat what you want without the side of judgment and guilt.

But despite knowing all this, the journey towards food freedom might feel almost impossible.

Where—no matter how hard you try—you stay on the diet-binge-guilt hamster wheel.

Constantly controlled by your cravings, restricted by your diet, and commanded by your weight…

With fears of "losing it" and "falling off the wagon" looming over your head.

You might even find yourself avoiding social gatherings altogether.

Terrified by the thought of being surrounded by food.

Sick and tired of side-eye stares and judgmental comments.

Every meal being a mental tug-of-war of "should I or shouldn't I?".

A battle that brings your capabilities to really change into question.

And you might've tried the latest diets, detox teas and miracle pills…

Hoping each one would fix the weight woes, and keep binges in check.

But low and behold, a few weeks later, you’re back at square one.

Promising yourself that Monday will be a fresh start, with a fresh diet.

This is the unfortunate reality for so many men and women right now.

Where so much effort is on being willpower-personified…

That every ounce of joy and pleasure is stripped from your eating experiences…

And every gathering or event feels as if you’re walking on eggshells around food.

And the sucky part is that even with all the sacrifices…

All the restrictions, and self-control measures…

You still don't feel in control of your eating or confident in your body.

All that's gained is more frustration, with a heavier load of self-doubt…

And a feeling of stuckness, where you begin thinking it's all a "you" problem.

But here's the thing…

It's not you.

It's not a lack of willpower.

It's not "just the way you are".

It's not a character flaw.

It's a faulty "Mind-Over-Matter" strategy.
That's what keeps you stuck.

Which traps you in the vicious cycle of dieting and deprivation.

A cycle which, if you go round and round long enough…

Reinforces a mistaken belief that you're somehow broken, or have a “weak” mindset.

And I've seen this play out time and time again in a set of stages. 

  • The Fight
    Stage 1

    The Fight.

    You resist the urge to eat “bad”.

    Treating cravings as an enemy to be fought off…

    And creating strict diet rules, with no room for flexibility.

    So when you’re stressed and temptation calls…

    You suppress the desire to eat as hard as you can.

    But as time passes, stress bubbles and temptation builds…

    The fight gets harder and harder to win, until, eventually...

  • The Fall
    Stage 2

    The Fall.

    You reach your boiling point.

    Where any sense of control feels non-existent…

    Causing you to "give in" to an all-out binge.

    Triggering a spiral of guilt and self-loathing for "losing it".

    Telling yourself "Fuck it. That's it. What's the point?".

    And binging on more and more food, because in your head…

    You've failed so why not keep going and "enjoy" the ride?

    Until shame speaks louder than pleasure, and prompts...

  • The Climb
    Stage 3

    The Climb.

    You get back on the bandwagon.

    On a mission to prove yourself, vowing to do better this time…

    You tell yourself that once you reach your goal weight or size... 

    That's when things will feel back to normal. 

    So the calories get cut, and workouts get amped up…

    But because of what happened last time, trust in yourself is lower…

    So you choose avoidance as the only way not to fail.

    Avoiding anything that could lead to temptation and a loss of control... 

    Skipping social gatherings, nights out, dinner dates, until one day...

  • The Break
    Stage 4

    The Break.

     You hit mental and physical burnout.

    Your body's exhausted from endless deprivation and restriction…

    Your mind's drained from the constant compulsive thoughts about food…

    And you start forming a belief that this is the reality you have to accept.

    This is a state of shutdown that trickles into every other area of your life.

    Your energy to go out, be social, and connect with people dwindles…

    Putting a strain on the closeness and quality of your relationships.

    So the relationships you hold with your friends, family, partner, and yourself…

    All feeling more distant, because of how preoccupied you are with food.

    Work becomes a slog, with every task feeling ten times harder than it should…

    With mental gymnastics around when, what, and how much to eat at the office…

    And anxiety around what colleagues will think if they see you eating this or that.

    Physical health also takes a nosedive, with your body showing signs of malnutrition...

    And sleep patterns get disrupted, with moods swinging more than the stock market.

    All these issues stem from that same faulty "Mind-over-Matter" strategy…

Pitting your mind against your body,
fighting an internal battle you can't win.

And you might know this cycle all too well.

You might even be living it right now. 

Suffering in silence and binging in secret. 

Deleting then re-downloading food delivery apps. 

Guzzling water to fill you up so you won't eat as much.

And as a result, you might just see food as the enemy…

The centerfold of so much guilt, shame, stress and anxiety…

The barrier behind why you can't drop body fat and keep it off…

And the common denominator for why health markers go haywire.

With sleep patterns so erratic, you forget what a full night's rest feels like…

Digestive issues that turn every bite into a bloated, gassy disaster…

And blood sugar levels so off-kilter you're often crashing by noon.

But here’s what you need to understand…

Food isn't the problem.
It's a symptom of the problem.

Let me explain…

Food is just... well, food. 

Objects. Without emotion or sentience.

And up to this point, you've conditioned yourself to seek certain foods when you feel a certain way.

So if you're bored, you eat.

If you're stressed, you eat. 

If you're sad, you eat.

You're searching for a feeling.
And food has become the answer.

It's why you could be deep into a pint of ice-cream and think:

"Err, I'm really not even that hungry. I don't even want this." 

…yet still continue to eat.

Because, the reality is…

You don't want it. 

As in, you're not hungry for the food itself.

Your "want" is for the feeling the food gives you.

A safety net to ease yourself of overwhelm.

A distraction from the harsh realities of life.

A comfort blanket to drown out the noise.

A numbing agent to side-step the pain.

You get the gist.

Emotions drive our every decision.
Every. Single. One.

Trouble is, we're never taught how to control our emotions.

How to understand them. How they work.

It's why so many of us live our lives on autopilot.

Going through the motions in a haze of anger, sadness, anxiety, and stress.

Reacting rather than responding.

Suppressing rather than expressing.

Projecting rather than processing.

All of which, land us deeper in the hole we're trying to climb out of…

Leading us to vices that provide us with momentary relief…

Vices like drugs, alcohol, shopping, gambling, and of course… food.

But here's the kicker…

You can't heal what you don’t feel. 

And if you're numbing yourself to your emotions through these vices…

By opting for surface level fixes like going on a diet or trying to eat "cleaner"...

You're in effect, applying a band-aid to a bullet wound.

Focusing on the external changes you need to make…

And dismissing the internal work that needs to be done.

It's like trying to fix your car engine without looking under the hood.

You can tinker with what's outside, but it won't fix the actual issue.

Overcoming food issues is an inside job.  

And the more you try to shun away your feelings... 

The more times they'll come back, and with more gusto than before.

Unfortunately, though, this isn't common knowledge…

And a lot of ‘solutions’ see food issues the same way as Alcoholism.

Using abstinence as the key — so the longer you go without, the better.

But that's not how it works. Alcohol is a totally different beast.

You can quit drinking alcohol. You can't quit food.

And on top of that, diet-culture won't let you forget about food.

It's everywhere. On billboards, TV ads, our social media feeds.

Reminding us of what, when and how much we should be eating.

So the idea of abstaining from food to put an end to your struggles?

It's about as realistic and practical as swimming without getting wet.

But, here’s the good news…

What you need in order to end out-of-control eating is much closer than you think. 

And the real change-maker is the most overlooked part of you… 

Your nervous system.

Let me explain this through an analogy… 

Every IPhone has an Internal Operating System or IOS.

It's what keeps your IPhone running smoothly and efficiently.

But if your IOS isn't updated, your phone won't function properly.

It'll crash, lag, and struggle to perform day-to-day tasks.

Your nervous system is for your body
what IOS is for your iPhone.

And if it's not looked after?

Your body—like the IPhone—won't function properly.

Your emotions—which drive your decisions—will be all over the place.

Making your behaviors—like eating—feel completely out of your control.

This is why being "triggered" feels so intense.

Like you're on autopilot and can't help yourself…

No matter how much you try to think yourself out of it.

Because it’s a full body experience. Not just in your head.

Think about it…

When shit hits the fan, it's your body that responds first.

Your heart races, palms sweat, and breath goes shallow…

There comes a strong physical pull towards what'll calm the storm.

Which is when food gets devoured in an almost trance-like state…

Where you can't even taste or enjoy what you're eating.

And the thing is, if this goes unaddressed…

Or, glazed over with "mind-over-matter" platitudes… 

You not only put your nervous system into a deeper state of dysregulation…

But you put your belief system into a distorted state of perception.

And what this means is your sense of self-worth and identity…

Your values, attitudes and expectations... 

How you see health, nutrition and exercise…

And the level of trust you have in yourself and the world…

All of it gets twisted and distorted — conditioned to almost work against you…

And with self-sabotage running the show within your subconscious. 

So if you want to put an end to your out-of-control eating…

Know that the epicenter of change is within these two systems.

Your nervous system and belief systems. 

Your IOS and your Apps. 

Work on them, and you win. 

Work on them, and you gain control. 

And in a moment, I'm going to show you how to work on them…

But before I do, it's probably best I introduce myself.

Iphone Animation showing update dialog
My name’s Ghavesh, but I go by Ghav.

Disordered eating began for me in my mid teens.

I was a little chunky, and loved me some digestive biscuits.

No real thought went into what, when or how much I ate…

And I rarely exercised, aside from mandatory PE at school.

But at this age, I didn't care. I wasn't health conscious at all.

That is until one particular visit to the GP for a general checkup.

That's when a big shift began to take shape with my eating.

But, not for the better. I went the complete opposite direction.

See, my bloods showed higher than normal cholesterol levels.

And the GP I was with at the time led with a fear-based rhetoric.

There was no real guidance on practical changes I could make. 

Just a ridiculously long laundry list of food to avoid at all costs.

Reeling off every chronic disease under the sun if I didn't follow.

I sank into my chair as he talked at me. I was shit scared.

With shame, embarrassment and anxiety washing over me.

At that moment, I felt like I was the embodiment of 'bad health'. 

And so began the slippery slope…

Because I took what he said and took it to the extreme.

I became a kid who was scared of food (and GP appointments)...

With an obsession and preoccupation with not dying young.

Heavy stuff for a teen, but it affected my mental health in a big way.

To the point where I ate nothing but a few slices of plain toast a day.

Yep, toast. Why toast specifically, I have no idea…

But at the time, it made sense in my mind.

And as you can imagine, this led to a horrendous relationship with food.

Always hungry but white-knuckling my way through, with willpower…

Depriving myself of fuel, nutrients and enjoyment in equal measure…

And binging every once in a while, when I'd crack under the pressure.

Thankfully though, between my mum pleading for me to eat properly…

And the sheer fact I struggled to function day-to-day without food…

(Especially with a growing interest in aesthetics and going to the gym)

...I eventually, gradually, started to eat more.

But it wasn't an overnight thing. 

Getting over the fear of food wasn't a linear process…

And I'm not going to sit here and give you some heroes journey story as if I beat all odds in a movie-like arc. 

I'm not here to bullshit you.

Because if you're here reading this right now…

Chances are, you've been through enough to know life's not as simple as that.

For me, there were a lot of stops and starts.

Dieting and binging, restriction and over-indulgence…

Creating a cascade of confusion, emotional turmoil and an all-round chaotic relationship with food and my body.

But, albeit a long, winding and often uncomfortable ride…

Overtime, came a huge shift in how I saw food, myself and my health.

A blessing in disguise, to realize the disconnection I had from my body…

And the emotional fitness that lacked for me to really move forward.

And all this brings me to my mission now. 

To help you create deep-rooted change with your eating…

No more restriction, binging or guilt. No more confusion and frustration. 

Just freedom, mental clarity and a real sense of trust in your body again.

And with that, I'm incredibly excited to bring you:

Emotional Fitness System Product

An online, self-paced program designed to help you form a healthier relationship with food that's free of obsessive, compulsive thinking and out-of-control behaviors around food.

The first of its kind to take a multi-disciplined approach to food issues, drawn from:

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)+
  • Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT)
  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
  • Mindfulness Eating Awareness Therapy (MB-EAT)
  • Somatic Experiencing (SE)

The evidence-based principles, practices and processes within the Emotional Fitness System have been carefully combined to serve as your foundation for lasting change.

And this system is built upon a framework called the 4 Phases to Food Freedom.

  • Phase 1


    Laying the groundwork to promote a deep-seated shift in your perceptions of health, food, and exercise and taking a mindful, intuitive approach to nutrition so your food-based decisions become more than calories in versus calories out. 

  • Phase 2


    Looking at your environment, boundary setting, communication skills and how to navigate your way through new, learned behaviors picked up in phase 1, without being at the whim of outside pressures, judgment, and expectations.

  • Phase 3


    Exploring your inner dialogue to dismantle harmful, limiting beliefs that keep you stuck in a cycle of self-sabotage and disconnection, so you create an empowered sense of self where you can see your worth beyond the numbers on a scale.

  • Phase 4


    Diving into self-regulation and stress management tools and how they work in tandem with each of the other phases so that you can feel in control in the face of triggering situations and handle adversity without turning to food for solace.

And each of these phases work to develop a specific set of skills, also known as The Core Four:

  • Skill #1

    Intuitive Awareness

    Your ability to tune into how your body is feeling in any given situation so that you're guided by an internal compass with trust in the direction it's pointing you.

  • Skill #2

    Personal Autonomy

    Your ability to take ownership of your decisions and create firm boundaries in the face of societal pressures and expectations. 

  • Skill #3

    Stress Resilience

    Your ability to confidently navigate the inevitable challenges life throws at you and turn them into opportunities for significant growth and development. 

  • Skill #4

    Self Regulation

    Your ability to choose how you respond to your emotions in any given situation, and make decisions that are aligned with your highest values.

The Core Four is the cornerstone to Emotional Fitness.

It’s what’s going to allow you to have more trust in yourself around food, so you can go out with your loved ones and actually enjoy yourself…

Feel confident and comfortable in your own skin, regardless of what the number on the scale says…

Go out and experience life without having to worry about what you're going to eat or how you'll look…

Strengthen the relationships that matter most to you, without food always being the center of attention…

And say yes to the food you want, without feeling guilty or ashamed afterwards.

If you have these four core skills in your back pocket…

You put yourself in the driver's seat
- in full control of your health.

No reliance on anything or anyone else to be your healthiest self.

I don't know about you, but to me, that sounds pretty damn freeing.

No longer at the mercy of diets, trends, and other people's opinions…

Or spending your hard-earned money on the next fad that's promised to be your answer.

You can buy the food you love, and keep it in the kitchen without the urge to binge on everything in one go…

And when life throws a curveball at you—which it will—you can choose your response rather than react in a way you regret later.  

With the Emotional Fitness System, you're getting a complete roadmap to food freedom so that obsessive, compulsive thoughts and behaviors around food become a thing of the past.

And if you've said, thought, or felt any of the following…

“There’s so much I want to change that I don’t even know where to start. I feel overwhelmed.”
"I feel so far away from where I want to be that it seems impossible I'll ever get there."
"My motivation is so up and down. One minute I'm all in, the next I can't be bothered."
"I feel like I'm failing myself every time I give in to a craving. I hate myself for being so weak."
"I'm so confused about what is and isn't healthy. Nutrition is such a minefield to navigate."
"I wish I could just not think about food all the time. It's exhausting and drains me of my energy."  
"Why does food have such a strong hold over me? Why can't I just eat like a normal person?"
"I feel powerless and like this isn't going to get better. I've tried everything and nothing works."
"I workout to compensate for when I eat bad food so I don't gain weight, but it's never enough."
"I feel like I can never switch off or relax. My mind is rarely at peace, and I'm always on the go."
"I tell myself I'll be good tomorrow and start fresh, but the same pattern repeats itself every day."
"I usually feel so full after eating. To the point of discomfort. I don't know when enough is enough."
"I demolish food without even enjoying it or feeling satisfied. In the blink of an eye, it's all gone."
"I'm always hungry. Even after I've just eaten, I want more. It's concerning but equally frustrating."
"Everything goes down the pan when I socially eat, and I can't help but feel constantly judged."
"Whenever I get unsolicited advice about my body or what I eat, I just want to crawl into a hole."
"It feels like literally nobody around me gets it or knows how hard this is for me to deal with."
"What's the point in talking to someone who can't possibly understand what I'm going through?"
"I'm sick of having to repeat myself all the time. I feel my issues are never heard or taken seriously."
"My trainer just tells me to eat less and exercise more, and it's making me feel worse about myself."
"My partner isn't supportive. They don't understand why this is a big issue for me. It's isolating."
"My family is so judgmental about what I eat. They can't see how triggering their comments are."
"It's like there's an inner voice in my head telling me I'm not good enough, no matter what I do."
"I get concerned about what I'm teaching my kids about food, but I don't know how to change."
"I feel like I'm constantly at war with my body. I've never been happy with how it looks or feels."
"When I get triggered, my self-talk becomes so hateful which makes me feel so bad about myself."
"I keep ruminating on what I should or shouldn't have eaten, and it's consuming my every thought."

…then you're exactly where you need to be.

Because these are all issues that the Emotional Fitness System is designed to help you overcome.

It's these very thoughts and feelings that have brought you here today, and I've shaped this program to address each and every one of them, and then some.

If you strengthen your emotional fitness, I guarantee you'll see a ripple effect in all areas of your life — from your relationships to your career to your overall well-being and physical health.

As a byproduct, the aesthetic changes you've been chasing will follow suit...

Your health markers like blood pressure, cholesterol levels and blood sugar levels will fall in line...

And you'll have a newfound energy to really show up in your life, for you and your loved ones.


What your day-to-day would be like without food ruling every decision you make.

No more feeling like you have zero control over what you're going to eat or how you'll look.

No more shame for simply eating food that you love…

And no more agonizing over the number of calories you consume.

How would your life look if you experienced true food freedom?

Genuinely take a moment to think about that.

Consider those familiar moments that have held you captive in the past.

Like the office party with its tempting buffet, or family gathering filled with your home-cooked favorites.

Until now, you might've shied away from these occasions — declining invites out of fear you'd lose control in front of everyone...

Or maybe you'd attend these events out of obligation, but spend the whole time mentally wrestling with yourself so you eat "normally" like everyone else.

But what if you could go to these events without a second thought or hesitation?

And what if the whole time you're there, where food is in abundance, you feel completely at ease and relaxed?

Where the buffet you see becomes a medley of options you have the autonomy to choose from, rather than a minefield to be navigated so you don't go off the rails...

Where you're actually present — engaged in meaningful conversations, without being hijacked by energy-sapping thoughts around food and your body...

And where, if you want dessert, or that extra helping, you simply go for it without having to justify it to yourself or anyone else.

How different would your life look
if this were your reality?

Enjoying that slice of cake at your friends' birthday celebrations without panicking about the aftermath or ruminating over the "damage" you've done...

Spontaneously going out to dinner with the people you love and not worrying about what's on the menu or stressing out about the calories in each dish...

Grocery shopping without it becoming an "out of sight, out of mind” experience, where you're dodging the aisles that contain your trigger foods...

Stocking up your fridge, freezer and pantry with whatever your heart desires, without the fear of ravenously eating everything in one sitting…

And having peace of mind in knowing that when shit hits the fan—at work, at home, or in your relationships—it won't trigger an emotional eating frenzy.

I want you to think about how much this would be worth to you.

Which I understand might be difficult to quantify in numbers, given its invaluableness.

But for context, I've seen people fork out upwards of $10,000 in pursuit of this.

With talk therapy typically being the go-to route with 1-2 sessions per week on average.

So you could easily be shelling out anywhere between $10,000—$20,000 a year.

Which could be well worth every cent if you make major breakthroughs.

For instance, if you get to a place where you're no longer feeling controlled by food…

Where you can freely eat what you want and when, without any guilt or regret afterwards...

With a handle on situations that were once triggering, without turning to food for comfort or solace…

Then talk therapy is a no-brainer investment.

But, the thing is, where emotional eating and binge eating is concerned...

It's not uncommon for clients to solely talk through their food issues for months on end...

Yet, feel no closer to the life they'd envisioned, where food doesn't rule the roost.

Which is because, as we covered earlier, our psyche is only one piece of the puzzle.

So if we bypass our physiology and environment, we're only scratching the surface.

On top of that, it can feel like an uphill battle trying to find someone who “gets it”.

Because if you don't feel understood and your experiences feel minimized and invalidated...

You'll not feel as comfortable opening up, and as a result, have sessions feel like a chore.

Reality is, like with any profession, standards of care and quality of service can vary drastically.

And while there are many incredible practitioners out there transforming their clients' lives...

There are also many ethically questionable ones, who put retention over results and drag out sessions for their own financial gain…

Or, they create a cycle of dependence to have you continuously coming back for your weekly fix of temporary relief that goes unintegrated in the real world.

Now, I'm not trying to discredit or throw dirt at the talk therapy route, and I acknowledge that not everyone will have this experience.

I just know there's a big gap in the healthcare system between what's being offered and what's actually needed...

And I'm merely painting the full picture of how things can play out so you're not stung financially and looking back on $10,000 worth of conversations with nothing to show for it...

Or emotionally exhausted, where despite having tried everything, you still feel stuck.

Because it's this stuckness that brings a lot of people to look into the likes of weight loss surgery or gastric bands.

A path growing in popularity with its allure of achieving a 'dream body' through a one-off procedure.

But this path does nothing to address the underlying food issues that lead to weight gain in the first place.

It's a physical solution to an emotional problem, which is why not long after the surgery, weight begins to pile back on…

Ultimately leaving a lot of people $15,000+ out of pocket and in the same (if not worse) emotional state than before.

And the frustrating reality is that because the likes of weight loss surgery and gastric bands are big money makers in the medical world…

It's going to continue to get pushed by those who stand to benefit.

The amount of people that get duped by these one-time procedures that promise to be the answer to fix food issues and weight woes is unimaginable.

With a narrative that almost brainwashes you into believing that the solution to the issues you face are outside of yourself.

When in actual fact, everything you need to overcome emotional eating and binging is within you.

And the Emotional Fitness System differs greatly from a lot of other approaches out there because it's about helping you become the captain of your own ship.

Rather than relying on any external source to save you…

It's about developing the essential skills to become your own savior and kick emotional eating and binge eating to the curb.

As the popular saying goes…

"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime".

It's my job to teach you how to fish so that no matter what life throws your way, or whatever circumstance you find yourself in, food is no longer an issue.

This is what the Emotional Fitness System is all about.

And I've spent the better half of a decade perfecting this system, so you don’t spend the next decade talking through your food issues but never sorting them out...

Or worse, resorting to a superficial solution that some guy or gal in a white lab coat guarantees will fix everything.

I don't want you to look back in 5, 10, or even 20 years and still be struggling with food, having spent $10,000, $15,000 or even $20,000 in pursuit of change...

Just to find yourself in the exact same place as you are now.

I want you to look back years from now and feel proud of the progress you've made.

I want you to be living a life where food is just... food.  

Where you're no longer consumed by thoughts of what, when, or how much to eat.

And where you're confident in your ability to handle any emotional triggers that come your way.

That’s why, inside this system, you're not just getting some disjointed advice or loose strategies...

You're getting a complete solution that addresses every aspect of emotional eating and binge eating.

With every framework, tool, and technique backed by years of research in the field of psychology, physiology, and nutrition...

Brought to you in a digestible and actionable way that’s easy to understand, implement and integrate into your life so you can see real and lasting change.

And while there’s no doubt in my mind that the material inside this system is easily worth $10,000 or more...

I also realize dropping this amount isn't a feasible option for a lot of folks in need of help, and I don't want money to be a barrier to accessing the support you need.

So instead of charging upwards of $10,000 or anywhere close…

Lifetime access inside the Emotional Fitness System is a one-time investment of $2997.

Which I won’t try and convince you is a small sum of money, because it isn't.

With this amount, you could put a down payment on a new car...

Splurge on designer clothes...

Or book yourself a luxury vacation.

But here's the thing:

The car, as beautiful as it is, will depreciate the moment you drive it off the lot...

The clothes, while they look sharp, will eventually make their way to the back of your closet....

And the vacation, though memorable, will end and you'll return to your normal routine.

I’m not trying to sound like a total buzzkill here, but the point is:

Skill-building and personal development will always provide a return on investment.

And while I won’t try and strong-arm or hard-sell you this system…

I do want you to think about the opportunity cost that comes with not taking action.

Because—as you're well aware—food issues don't happen in a vacuum.

They manifest into every area of your life.

Relationally, causing distance between you and the people that matter most.

Professionally, being a major distraction to you reaching your fullest potential.

Physically, creating health complications and dis-ease within the body.

And financially, costing you an arm and a leg in medical bills and ineffective treatments.

So if you've been suffering in silence with any or all of these things right now…

Know that what you're going through is temporary, and there is a way out…

But also know it starts with you. Nobody else. Not a diet. Not a pill. And not even a therapist.

You're ultimately the one who's in control of your health. You're the shot-caller.

And I say that, not to add to your burden, but to remind you of your power.

Your power to look after the most precious asset you have—your health.

And when you're armed with the right skills to have every aspect of it on point…

Where you're mentally sharper, physically stronger, and emotionally attuned…

You start to see the world—and yourself—through a totally different lens.

Your life experiences become richer, your relationships become deeper, and you develop the capacity to handle anything that comes your way.

By investing in yourself and your health, you're creating the foundation to live a life that's beyond what you can even fathom right now.

And, as part of your investment in the Emotional Fitness System, you'll receive lifetime access to all updates and additions to the program…

Plus, a few special bonuses:

  • Bonus #1

    Strength Training Mastery

    Your Blueprint to Building Lean Muscle
    $997 Value

    With more muscle tissue, comes a faster metabolism, better blood sugar regulation, decreased risk of injury, and better overall health.

    But the amount of broscience and misinformation in the fitness industry can make it confusing and overwhelming to know how to strength train correctly.

    So it's not uncommon for a lot of people to be putting in the hard yards in the gym week after week but seeing little to no progress, and eventually giving up.

    That's why I created Strength Training Mastery - to cut through the BS and bosu-balls, so you know what it takes to pack on lean muscle tissue, and train by yourself with confidence.

    After completion, you'll have the knowledge necessary to design your own training program, which'll be better than what 90% of online coaches charge $100+/month for.

    Inside Strength Training Mastery, I cover everything from:

    • How Much Volume You Should Be Doing to Maximize Muscle Growth 
    • When to Train to Failure and When It's Best to Leave Reps in Reserve
    • Why You Shouldn't Program Hop and How to Structure Your Sessions
    • The Staple Exercises that Should be Included in Every Training Program
    • What to Do When You Hit a Plateau & How to Continue Making Progress
    • How to Perform Each Exercise Correctly and How to Train Around Injuries
    • What It Means to Train with Intent and Tap Into a Mind-Muscle Connection
    • The Most Efficient Way to Train So You're Don’t Spend All Day in the Gym
    • Where Cardio Fits in to Your Program & How Much You Should be Doing
    • Why Time Under Tension is Crucial & What Tempo to Use for Exercise
  • Bonus #2

    The G.S.D (Get Sh*t Done) Toolkit

    Your Productivity Companion
    $497 Value

    Being busy isn't always productive…

    And productivity isn't just about getting more done in less time...

    But about making the most out of your time and energy, without sacrificing your well-being.

    So if you're constantly juggling work, family, and personal responsibilities and you feel like there’s never enough time or energy in the day to get all your sh*t done...

    Or, if you find yourself stuck in a cycle of procrastination or overwhelm, where you know what you should be doing, but can't seem to get yourself to do it...

    This toolkit will be your saving grace. It's going to help you make the most out of your 24-hours without feeling like you're about to lose your mind.

    Inside The GSD Toolkit, we go over:

    • What It Means to Be Productive (Opposite of What Hustle Culture Tells Us) 
    • The Main Objective Behind Maximizing Your Productivity
    • 4 Methods of Task Management to Supercharge Your Productivity
    • The Eisenhower Matrix & How It Can Help You Prioritize Tasks
    • Batch Processing & How You Can Use it to Streamline Your Workflow
    • The Most Common Self-Imposed Block That Reduces Productivity
    • How to "Bend Time" and Give Yourself More Hours in Your Day 
    • The Biggest Culprit Behind Creativity Blocks (and How to Overcome It) 
    • How to Structure Your Monthly Productivity & Goal-Setting Process
    • Habits of Highly Productive People & What You Can Learn From Them
    • Ways to Reset, Recharge, and Refocus When You're Feeling Drained 
  • Bonus #3

    EQ Navigator

    Your Self-Inquiry and Reflection Journal
    $197 Value

    When you check in with yourself to reflect on your emotions, thoughts and actions, you're able to identify patterns, triggers and areas for growth.

    But, only if you're asking the right questions. Otherwise, self-reflection can easily turn into rumination and self-criticism...

    Or, nothing more than surface-level fluff because the tough questions are being avoided.

    That's where the EQ Navigator comes in - an introspective space to dive into and navigate through your inner world.

    This journal is intended to be your sidekick as you go through the Emotional Fitness System, to support you in integrating the teachings into your daily life.

    Inside, you'll find thought-provoking questions to bring awareness to what's really going on within you.

    EQ Navigator will help you:

    • Explore Your Emotional Triggers and Reactions 
    • Identify Negative Patterns and Limiting Beliefs
    • Understand the Root Causes Behind Your Behaviors
    • Strengthen Self-Awareness, Compassion, and Resilience 
    • Set Meaningful Goals for Personal Growth and Development 
    • Track Progress and Reflect on Areas of Improvement
    • Cultivate a Deeper Understanding of Yourself and Others 
    • Enhance Your Emotional Intelligence and Relationship Skills 
    • Navigate Through Challenging Emotions with Grace
    • Celebrate Your Wins and Uncover Your Inner Strengths

These bonuses aren't just random throw-ins that I've added to make this a sweeter deal for you either.

Each of them have been created to support the core teachings of the Emotional Fitness System.

With Strength Training Mastery, you'll not only become physically stronger…

But mentally more more resilient, and with a higher capacity to regulate challenging emotions.

With The G.S.D Toolkit, you'll not only become more productive…

But also know how to protect your energy, prioritize self-care and burnout proof your schedule.

And by taking the time for self-inquiry with the EQ Navigator…

Your ability to understand yourself and others on a deeper level will continue to expand.

To the point where you're your own source of wisdom and guidance when the going gets tough.

Because, while there's absolutely nothing wrong with seeking support or advice from others…

Developing the emotional intelligence to unravel your own inner workings and find clarity within yourself is invaluable.

Now, it's no accident that you're here, this far into the page.

No random click of a button brought you to this exact moment.

More likely, you're here, because you've been searching for something.

Something beyond the quick-fixes and empty promises that most self-help products offer.

You're looking for a real transformation — of your body, mind, and life as a whole.

And at this point, you know the ins and outs of what the Emotional Fitness System includes.

That it's not a temporary fix or superficial solution, but a full-fledged system for lasting change.

Lasting change towards how you think, feel, and act around food, exercise and your body…

How you show up in relationships, at work, and in your everyday life.

And how you view yourself, your worth, and your ability to create the life you desire.

So right now, the way I see it, there's three paths you could take.

The first path is the most familiar one.

It's staying where you are, and doing what you're already doing.

Where you take the good ole' Mind-Over-Matter' approach we covered earlier.

Keeping up appearances and going about your day-to-day through sheer willpower…

Until the willpower well runs dry, and you're doing the very things you swore you wouldn't do.

And the thing is, while I've no doubt you're aware this path leads to nowhere you want to be…

It's still the most traveled one. And therefore, might feel like the safest option right now.

Because although you want change, you're stepping into the unknown when you choose change.

And as humans, we're wired to want to take the path of least resistance in the face of what's unknown or uncertain…

So right now, because you're not in the thick of a triggering or emotionally-charged situation…

The urgency to change won't feel so pressing because there's no immediate threat.

Therefore it's easy to rationalize or convince yourself that everything is "fine" or "not that bad"...

Until the next time you find yourself face-to-face with unwanted, intense emotions and on the verge of doing something you later regret.

So I want you to sit with that for a second.

Is "fine" or "not that bad" really good enough when it comes to your relationship with food, exercise and your body?

Or the quality of your life in general?

Are you willing to settle for "ok" or "good enough" when deep down, you know you deserve better?

And are you willing to keep repeating the same cycle over and over again, fully aware that it's only causing you more pain and frustration in the long run?

If you're not, maybe it's time to consider the second path -

Taking everything you've read here today and putting it into practice.

I've told you about the core four skills you need in order to start seeing real change in your life…

I've explained how your nervous system and belief system both play huge roles in your behavior…

And I've even given you an overview of the four phases inside the Emotional Fitness System.

So, assuming that you haven't just skimmed through all of that…

You have a solid understanding of what will and won't support you on this journey.

And that's no small feat.

Many people go through their entire lives without ever gaining this level of awareness.

So if you decide to embark on this path, where you're effectively flying solo…

Know that I'm rooting for you to win, and want nothing more than to see you succeed.

But, you should also know that it's not going to be easy. This is the hardest path to take.

Because awareness of everything we've discussed so far doesn't equate to change.

It's what you do with that awareness that makes all the difference to your life moving forward.

If you choose this path, it's up to you to piece together what needs to be done, when, and how…

To do the research, find the resources, and decipher between what is and isn't worth your time.

And it's up to you to create your own plan of action, with the right steps to build the skills you need…

With tools, techniques and strategies that actually help you develop and strengthen those skills.

This path requires you to be the teacher, the student, and the guinea pig all at once.

Which is a deeply rewarding path, but one that isn't exactly easy to navigate alone.

And that brings me to the third path - having a step-by-step support system to guide you.

With the Emotional Fitness System, everything is laid out for you through a crystal clear roadmap.

No guessing games, no trial and error, and no wasted time and energy on ineffective methods.

That's not me saying this third path is the "easy" one or as if it's going to be a walk in the park.

It still requires consistent effort, commitment, and a willingness to face challenges head on.

But it's the path that has the highest likelihood of leading you to the transformation you seek.

Because with this system, you have a proven, evidence-based framework at your disposal.

A framework designed to not only help you overcome emotional eating and binge eating…

But to also serve as a life-long guide to keep your mental and physical wellbeing in check.

There's no doubt in my mind that if you commit to this path, and action what's inside the system…

The person you are today will be completely unrecognizable from the person you'll become.

But, like I said earlier, you're the one in the driver's seat here - always have been, always will be.

It's ultimately your choice which path you want to take — the familiar, the solo, or the guided.

And I'll never be that guy who tries to strong-arm you into taking the latter, because that goes against the very thing I teach inside the Emotional Fitness System -

Honor your own autonomy and make choices that align with your values, goals and desires.

But, I do want to remove any financial apprehensions you may have about investing in this system.

So if you do decide that this third path resonates with you, and you're ready to take action…

I want to give you risk-free access to the Emotional Fitness System for 30 days after purchase.

And if for any reason, you're not 100% satisfied with your experience within the first 30 days…

You can simply reach out and request a full refund - no questions asked.

That's how much I believe in this system and its ability to change lives.

Because I don't want you to think "What if" or "If only" in the future…

And wonder how things could've been different if you had taken that leap.

So while path three may require a bigger financial investment upfront…

And while it may be scary and uncomfortable stepping into the unknown…

It's also the path your future self will thank you for taking.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Emotional Fitness a one-time purchase or a subscription?

The Emotional Fitness system is a one-time purchase.

Once you buy it, you will have lifetime access to all the content, resources and updates within the system.

How long does it take to see results from the Emotional Fitness system?

Honestly, it'd be highly negligible to guarantee any specific timeline as it varies from person to person.

However, if you stick to the system and consistently apply the strategies and techniques provided, the next few weeks can bring significant changes in your life.

I've tried several programs and methods before, how is the Emotional Fitness system any different?

I think the term 'holistic' gets thrown around a lot these days, but truly, this system looks at food issues from all angles and fills a gap that many other programs and methods miss.

Because addressing the psyche, while important, is just one piece of the puzzle. Understanding and working with your nervous system and your environment are equally important.

Is the Emotional Fitness system a body transformation and weight loss program?

No, the Emotional Fitness system is not a body transformation program. It focuses on overcoming emotional eating and binge eating behaviors, as well as improving overall mental and emotional wellbeing. Physical changes will occur as a result of this, but it's not the core focus.

Can I access the Emotional Fitness system if I am outside of the United States?

Yes, the Emotional Fitness system is available for purchase and access worldwide. As long as you have an internet connection, you can access the system and all its content.

Is there a community or support group included with the Emotional Fitness system?

Currently, there's not a community or support group included with the system.

However, if you're looking for additional support through the process, please reach out to myself, Ghav, at ghav@emotionalfitnesssystem.com and I can provide you with more add-on support options.